Little bit of a rain delay, but looks like it's gonna be a good day for a game.
Gavin Floyd. Not bad so far. I like to see you getting after those pitchers. Getting ahead in the count is good.
AJ! Nice hit! Josh, baby boy, don't worry about the error. WOAH, double to score AJ!!! 1-0! Nice baserunning. Wait. Nevermind. Way to get doubled off.
Man, we suck at holding baserunners. I don't think I've seen AJ throw out a runner all season. Possibly forever. HE GONE! Two innings finished, no runs, atta boy Big Game Gavin.
Okay, Juan. I'm serious now. Get a fucking hit. Danny! Hey, cutie. Ohhhhh juuuuust foul. Dayum, you kilt that one. OWOW! Triple, baby! Damn you a fiiiiine boy. C'mon Jerry. Ball four, atta boy! ERSTIE! Long time, no see! Dude what the fuck @ inviting the whole team to the mound for a meeting. We usually do pitcher, catcher & Coop Daddy. And sometimes Uribe. Because he gets pushy. Ball four. Sacks packed with Sox for Jim Thome. JIM! >:- Uggghhhh double play AGAIN. Who do you think you are, AJ Pierfuckingzynski? Grrrr. Somedays.
GAVIN! Let's go! Sean Casey, next time don't fucking lean into the pitch if you don't want to get fucked up, you little bitch. HE GONE! Grab some bench, Magz. Next inning, ZING!
Paulie. Gr. AJ. Gr. Joshua. Ouch, don't hit my baby boy! Podsie. Gr.
Danny boy! I love you. Sweet double play. Hawk & DJ were talking about shortening that throw of yours and you certainly did that.
Juan, baby! Boo. Richar. Ball four. Owens! Fuck, YEAH!!! Double scoring Richar 2-0! Danny and Jerry are like back to back leadoff men. And then we got Erstie who is ALSO a good leadoff man. RIPPED IT! Another double, 3-0! Thome. Free pass. Paulie. Double play. My fucking god. We hit into more double plays than the rest of the AL Central combined. >:-
Tony Stewart? 13th place? Meh, there's still what? 180 laps left?
Let's go, GAV! Woo, good boy.
Lunch break!
Nicely done, Mr. Floyd. 0 runs in 6 innings pitched. I'll take it. Big Game Gavin. CUZZIN BUCKYYYY! Woo! Hessman HE GONE and Inge HE also GONE! Southpaw Boone Logan. Dayum, Paulie. You are awesome. Nice play.
Seriously. What's up with all the double plays?
Also. What the shit does Nintendo mean? Hawk won't stop saying it. "This kid is Nintendo". "That was a Nintendo HR". Speaking of homeruns, thanks McD for giving one up to Magz. Sweet.
BIG BAAAD BOBBY JEEEENNNKKKSSSS. You make me so nervous because you sweat too much. AND THIS BALL GAME IS OVAAA!
Good game boys.